Swatclips Lightweight Tool Belt

Why you SHOULD be using a lightweight tool belt

Blue collar work and body pain. They are synonymous with each other aren’t they? For so long we were told to get yourself a pair of good jeans and a solid toolbelt because you were going to be tied to both of those for a long, long time. Here at Swatclips we decided to make an alternative to how you’re “supposed” to work. A replacement really. We wanted to make a lightweight tool belt that would let you work how you want to work.

Smarter, or harder. Why not both?

SwatClips Lightweight tool belt has the toughest, most stubborn framers and carpenters dropping their tool belts. And why? Because it’s comfortable, light-weight, and carries your tools not how we have been told to carry tools. How we all would like to carry tools. No more hammer slapping the back of your leg, no more handful of sawdust trying to find your T20 star bit. So a  better question is, why not?

But how did we make a toolbelt that does everything we (and you) want? What blue collar workers in all industries need? A good starting place would probably be to have 30+ years of experience in construction… check. Also an established name in the industry that has already been pushing boundaries of how efficient we can work…check. Oh you need to see this.

Pushing Forward

With that all being said, we knew it wouldn’t be enough to rest on our laurels. Anyone who works with their hands knows they are only as good as the last thing you built. So we tested our products, a full year in the hands of Montanan framers running into top to bottom framing. From concrete to shingles. Electrical to plumbing. Each and every one had only glowing reviews to speak of.

Maybe you’re looking for the hammer to drop. The person to step forward and say something bad about our tool line… maybe you’re just used to that being the norm when it comes to tools.

We are not the norm.

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